An Illustrated Recreation of a Meaningful Moment

Lucia Garcia romantic commission Before and After via ArtCorgi

In addition to receiving a commission order from Colin, we were sent a romantic story! Lucía García, his chosen artist, was given the challenge to re-create the moment when Colin and his (now) wife first kissed. What a fun project it was!

To have Lucía García illustrate a special moment from your life, place an order through one of her commission style pages.

Backstory Behind the Piece – Q&A with Colin

ArtCorgi (AC): What inspired you to commission art as a gift?

Colin (C): I wanted to do something romantic for the wife, and this moment was the most precious and memorable for the two of us. We had know each other for about four years prior to this event, but that night changed the relationship from merely a friendship to something more.

AC: Many of our art commission requests involve fantasy scenes, so we were really excited to see a commission about a real-life scene that actually took place. What lead you to have a specific moment from your life (rather than a random portrait or fantasy scene) drawn?

C: Naturally since this moment would lead to a relationship that eventually lead to marriage, a career traveling the world, a daughter, and another child on the way, we were more concerned with our feelings than trying to capture the moment in a photo. Recreation through a drawing would be the next best thing, and arguably a better alternative to a photo since people invariable prepare to be in a picture and thus a little of the spontaneous emotions shared in a moment is taken away.

AC: What advice would you give to someone who would like to re-create a special moment from their lives in a work of art?

C: If it is a valuable moment in their lives and they want to safe it for posterity, but don’t have photographic evidence of it, then capturing it via artwork will do the trick. The longer one waits the more likely elements of the event will be forgotten. We wouldn’t forget the feelings, but we had a difficult time remembering what clothes we were wearing that night to be show in the art. So I would say “sooner rather than later” when it comes to commissioning art of a memory.